Deposit Policies


Deposit Policies

NOTE: Due to numerous non-paying utility customers leaving town with unpaid utility bills, the Town is forced to implement a more financially stringent deposit policy.

All rental utility customers must put down a deposit of $540 – $1060 ($20 Service Fee-Nonrefundable) after January 6, 2004.

Deposits are kept to cover customer’s final bill and any remaining balance on account is refunded to the customer. Home purchasers/property owners only need now to pay the $20 Service Fee.

NOTE: Deposits ARE NOT returned after a certain timeframe. Commercial clients please call for rates!

Rental owners of property are strongly suggested to have any renter(s) put the utility deposit down in the renter’s name.

However, as a homeowner/purchaser or property owner, you may keep a utility account in your name even if you do not live there, i.e. for rental or family reasons. However, the following stipulations must be met:

  • You must show proof of ownership (deed) or purchase paperwork (loan) for the property in question. No subletting of utilities allowed.
  • You must fill out an application in your name and a financial responsibility statement waiver in person in the town hall during regular business hours.
  • You must show proof of social security number.
  • $20 non-refundable processing fee


NOTE: This applies to each individual property within the utility system. As this situation develops this policy and procedure is subject to change.

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